Friday, October 10, 2008


Misterio sin resolver

Acababa de arreglar una persiana y abrí el frigorífico para comer algo, mentalmente preparada para relajarme. Esta deprimente mancha marrón atrajo mi ojo. Había limpiado toda la nevera hacía poco, sacando los estantes y frotándolos. Incluso conseguí sacar el cajón de los huevos y limpiarlo. Venían mis padres y quería tener una casa limpia y bonita para ellos.

Todavía tengo que apagar el congelador, hay un polo centroeuropeo que crece allí dentro lentamente, pero aparte de eso pensé que me libraría del deber de limpiar el frigorífico por unos meses. Lo perturbador de esta mancha es que no llega del cajón de las verduras. Viene de algún sitio más alto. Eso significa que tengo que buscar cosas misteriosas que sangran una mugre marrón, lo que también estará en un lugar bastante alto en la escala de lo repulsivo.

Unsolved Mystery

I had just finished repairing a shutter and opened the fridge to get something to eat, mentally prepared to relax. My eye was drawn down to this depressing brown stain. I had recently cleaned out the whole fridge, taking out the shelves and scrubbing them, cleaning the inside walls and the whole outside, I even worked out how to remove the egg compartment and cleaned it. My parents were coming and I wanted a nice clean house for them.

I still have to defrost the freezer, there is a Central European Pole slowly growing in there, but aside from that I thought I would be relieved from fridge cleaning duty for at least a few months. The perturbing thing about this stain is that it isn’t coming from the vegetable drawer – it is coming from somewhere higher up. That means I have to go searching for mysterious things bleeding brown goo, which will be pretty high up on the disgusting scale.

1 comment:

SMT said...

yuk! but hey we didn't even notice. unless of course you cleaned it up before then.